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NOSZA (Non-profit Sector Analysis) Association’s main
objective is the improvement of legal environment for civil society.

NOSZA emphasizes the importance of independent, effective
and legitimate functioning of the non-profit organizations in a sustainable
and reasonably regulated environment. In order to achieve these goals, NOSZA analyses
and expounds related laws and practices and does advocacy actions.

Our Staff

András Berki - secretary

Secretary of the Association, working for NOSZA since 2011. Graduated as environmental engineer at the Eötvös József University of Baja in 2003.

dr. Csaba Kiss - president

Attorney, President of NOSZA since 2007. Graduated as lawyer from ELTE University of Budapest in 1994, received an environmental lawyer postgraduate diploma in 1996 and an environmental engineer certificate in 2000. Provides legal expertise and legal representation in order to promote public participation. Member of EMLA, NOSZA and the IUCN Environmental Law Commission.

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